PPSC Canal Patwari Past Paper 10 December2023 – (EVENING)

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PPSC Canal Patwari Past Paper

What is the default slide name in MS Word ? document1

The largest producer of electricity in the Islamic World is: Saudi Arabia

کیا آپ بتا سکتے ہیں کہ مولانا الطاف حسین حالی کی غزلوں کی اصلاح کونسا شاعر کرتا تھا : مرزا غالب

Which shortcut key is for auto sum ? Alt + =

Which key is used for Help in PowerPoint? F1

Which Pakistani aerospace engineer recently designs the world’s first Eco-friendly aircraft engine? Sara Qureshi

Which one can be used for creating a document __? MS Word

To auto fit the width of column : Double click the right border of column

The .xls extension is used for ___ files : Excel

___ is not a valid data type in excel : Character

What is the maximum Zoom Percentage in MS Word? 500%

Ctrl +U is used for : underline

World war II was outbreak due to the attack of Germany on : Poland

Shortcut key to Remove paragraph formatting is : Ctrl + Q

__ includes superscript, subscript, outline , emboss , engrave : font effects

The default page size for word documents is also used in offices : A4

If you press ___, the cell accepts your typing as its contents? Enter

Nafeesa is afraid ___ spiders : of

80% of 700= ? 560

In MS Word, the shortcut for paste command is : Ctrl+V

In MS Office a feature that saves the document automatically after certain intervals is called : Auto save

How to use drop cap in MS word? Go to the Ribbon > Insert tab

When Pakistan signed the Baghdad pact, later called CENTO: 23 September 1955

How many articles were there in the constitution of 1956? 234 Articles

Where does the file name appear on the MS Word window ? Title Bar

What is the shortcut key for spelling to check in document : F7

Kalabagh is located in which province? Punjab

Islam was explicitly declared as the State religion of Pakistan under the constitution of : 1973

What is the Total Height of K-2 Peak in meters ? 8611 meter

Which is the largest city of Pakistan? Karachi

ceasefire happned in sichen : 2003

Which among the following got independence from the United Kingdom (UK)? Pakistan

The idiom kick the bucket means : To die

Tehzib-ul-Akhlaq was started in : 1870

Call on means : Play a visit to someone

Who was the Viceroy in India during the Second World War ? Lord Linlithgo

What is the use of a horizontal Scroll Bar in MS Excel? to view the data from left to the right

واقعہ کربلا کے بارے میں نظم : مرثیہ

کون سی کتاب امام ابو حنیفہ سے منسوب کی جاتی ہے ؟ کتاب الآثار

ہوا روشنی پانی چرند پرند کس کے تابع تھے ؟ حضرت سلیمان

Honey : Bee ? Sculptor : Statue

What is a group of cells called in Excel? Cell Range

Letters in Excel denote : Columns

I have met him before. Before is : Adverb

Socrates was born in : 469 BC

The first page of document is : Cover Page

Probability of something in interest rate of XXX : Statistical operation

___ was not built in a day : Rome

The line between two cells is : Margin

Default document size in MS Word : Letter

Active Voice : You will be acknowledge by the Government : Government will acknowledge you

The length between Pakistan and Afghanistan border is: 2611 KM

A chronometer meter measures : Time

Surreptitious synonym refers to: secret

The keyboard Shortcut key to decrease font size by one point is : Ctrl+Shift+<

Which of following is not type of page margin? Center

Which kind of system of government was introduced in 1962 constitutionn? Presidential

Pakistan successfully conducted its nuclear tests on 28 May of which year? 1998

How do you display current date and time in MS Excel? Now ()

Which shortcut key is used to create chart in MS Excel? F11

In a windows PC, the shortcut key for redoing the last action in Microsoft Office is? CTRL+Y

Which file starts MS Word? Winword.exe

Which shortcut key is used to print a document? Ctrl+P

Which of the following is a volatile memory? RAM

بخت نصر کا تعلق کس ملک سے تھا؟ بابل

Who presided over the session of All India Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930? Allama Iqbal

When Pakistan officially joined United Nations Organisations (UNO)? 30 September 1947

Kobe Bryant American basketball player just died in a plane crash which state of America? California

The Rashidun Caliphate lasted for : 30 years

A computer program that translates one program instructions at a time into machine language is called? Interpreter

IMPORTANT: Review all previous years’ PPSC past papers for comprehensive practice and better exam preparation.

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