12th Class Chemistry Chapter 5

The Halogens (Group VIIA) include fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine, known for their high reactivity and tendency to form salts when combined with metals. The Noble Gases (Group VIIIA), such as helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon, are colorless, odorless, and inert gases with a stable electron configuration, making them largely unreactive.

Chemistry Class 12 Chapter 5 Notes

The oxidation of NO in air produces: NO2

Laughing gas is chemically: N2O

Out of all the elements of groups VI-A the highest melting and boiling points is shown by the element: Po

Oxidation of NO in air produces: N2O4

Maximum number of unpaired electrons is in: O2

Out of all the elements of Group V-A the highest ionization energy is possessed by: N

Gold dissolves in “Aqua Regia” due to formation of Halide. Point out correct halide: AuCl3

The brown gas formed, when metal reduce HNO3: NO2

Which catalyst is used in contact process: V2O5

In group V-A elements the most electronegative elements is: N

Out of all the elements of group VA, the highest ionization energy is possessed by: N

The brown gas formed when metal reduces HNO3: NO2

Which metal is redered passive by HNO3due to formation of a film of metal oxide over the metal: CO

Which of the following is a reddish brown gas: NO2

What is %age of calcium phosphate in bone ash: 80

Which of the following gives acidic oxide: N

The most electronegative element of group V-A is: N

Which acid can not be stored in glass bottles: HF

_____ is use as a cooling medium for nuclear reactors:He

Stability of halogen molecules decreases from: Cl2 to I2

An element that has a high ionization energy and tends to be chemically inactive would most likely to be: A noble gas

XeF6 n hydrolysis produces: XeOF4

The anhydride of HCIO4 is: Cl2O7

Which one of the following uses is not correctly related with the halogen: Bromine —————PVC plastics

Colour of which halogen is not correctly related: F2 — colourless gas

Which one of the following acids acts as oxidizing agent but never a reducing agent: HCIO4

Iodine deficiency in diet is known to cause: Goiter

Important : Review all previous years’ 12 class past papers for comprehensive practice and better exam preparation.

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