Biology 1st Year Chapter 7

The kingdom Protista (Protoctista) consists of diverse, mostly single-celled organisms, including algae, protozoa, and slime molds, that do not fit into the other kingdoms of life.

1st year Biology Chapter 7 Notes

​These are uniccellular organisms with a flexible outer covering: Ciliates

Oomycetes show close relation with fungi and their cell wall contains: Cellulose

Which one of following is a fungus like protist: Physarum

Algae in which body is differentiated into blades, stipes, and holdfast belong to: Kelps

The sexual process exhibited by most ciliates is called: Conjugation

African sleeping sickness is caused by: Trypanosoma

Chlorophyll a, Chl b, and carotenoids are founds in: Green algae, euglenoids and plants

The feeding stage of a slime mold is called: plasmodium

The kingdom protista contain …… major groups of eukaryotic organisms: Four

Who proposed the kingdom protista for microscopic organisms: Hogg

Polysiphonia is a representative of: Red algae

Cell wall in Oomycetes is chemically composed of: Cellulose

Amoebas move and obtain food by means of: Pseduopodia

Algae have shells composed of halves that five fit together like Petri dish belong to: Diatoms

Parasitics protozoans that form sopres at some stage in their life cycle belong to the group: Apicomplxans

The cell wall consists of two over lapping shell in: Diatoms

Margulis and Schwartz have listed …… phyla of protista: Twenty seven

Important : Review all previous years’ 11 Class Past Papers for comprehensive practice and better exam preparation.

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