Biology 10th Class Chapter 6

Inheritance is the process by which genetic traits are passed from parents to offspring. It involves the transmission of DNA, determining traits like eye color, height, and susceptibility to diseases, and is a key concept in genetics and evolutionary biology.

10th class biology chapter 6 Notes

Chromatin is made up of: DNA+ Protein

THe location or position of genes on chromosomes are called: Loci

Among following which is example of co-dominance: Blood group AB

Cytosine always makes pair with: Guanine

Specific sequence of DNA nucleotides is copied in the form of mRNA in a process: Transcription

Example of discontinuous variation is: Blood group

How many pairs of homologous chromosomes are present in human body cells: 23

How many pea plants were used in experiment of Mendel: 28,000

Formation of messenger RNA from DNA is called: Transcription

In the structure of DNA Adenine of one nucleotide pairs with which of the nitrogenous base opposite nucleotide: Thymine

The points of attachment of genes on chromosomes are called: Loci

The Allele which is not expressed is called: Recessive

We proposed the mechanism of organic evolution in 1838: Charles Darwin

No. of hydrogen bonds between Adenine and thymine is: 2

An organisms expressed physical trait, such as seed colour or pod shape is called its: Phenotype

Gene contain instructions for the synthesis of: Proteins

Genes are located on: DNA

There are how many pairs of homologous chromosomes in human body cell: 23

Cytocine always pairs with: Guanine

Variation selected for their transmission to next generation are: Favourable

Cytocine always makes pair with: Guanine

In variation, the phenotypes shows a complete range of measurements from one extreme to the other is: Continuous

Expression of genotype in the form of trait is: Phenotype

Transmission of characteristics from parents to offsprings is called as: Inheritance

Specific proteins have specific number and sequence of: Amino acids

_______ hydrogen bonds are present between cytosine and guanine: 3

Genetics is the branch of biology in which we study: Inheritance

The actual location of gene on chromosome is: Locus

The relationship between the alleles IA and IB of the blood group is: co-dominance

Sequence of amino acid is protein is controlled by sequence of ___ in DNA: Nucleotides

Genetics is branch of biology in which we stydy: Inheritance

It is genetic material: DNA

The specific combination of genes in an individual is called: Genotype

Adenine always pairs with: thymine

It is a condition in which normal body pigments are absent: Albinism

The characteristics which appear in an organism are called: Phenotype

THe alternate form of a gene are called: Replication

A DNA molecule consists of______ polynucleotide strands: 2

Inherited characters are called: Traits

Which component of cell is involved in translation: Ribosome

Transmission of Characters from parent to offspring is called: Inheritance

How many genotypes are possible for the allele A and a: four

Inherited characters are called: Traits

In an arranged data the value lying in the middle is called: Median

It is a situation where in heterozygous genotypes, both the alleles express as a blend and neither allele is dominant over the other: Incomplete dominance

A purple flowered pea plant has the genotype PP, which of the following statements about this plant is FALSE: Its phenotype will be white flowers

These are unit of inheritance: Genes

Genes consist of: DNA

Variatations show distinct phenotypes and phenotypes of such variations cannot be measured by: Discontinuous variations

Chromosomes carry units of inheritance called as: Genes

In________ James Watson and Francis Crick proposed the structure for DNA: 1953

All living thing had been created in their current form only a few thousand years ago. This idea is known as: Theory of special creation

Mendels primary contribution to our understanding of inheritance was: Explanation of the patterns of inheritance

Ribosome reads the sequence of mRNA nucleotides and joins specific amino acids to form protein . This step is known as: Translation

The organisms expressed physical trait such as seed colour or pod shape is called: Phenotype

Alternative forms of a gene are called: Allele

Formation of messenger RNA from DNA is called: Transcripton

Pink flowered four o clock plant is an example of: Incomplete dominance

The allele which is not expressed is called: Recessive

The position of gene on chromosome is known as: Locus

Each trait studied in pea plant had ___ distinct form: 2

Copies of chromatids of chromosomes are made through the process called: Replication

If an organism have genotype of AAbb, How many types of gametes can it produce: 2

Outside back bone of double helix is made up: Sugar Phosphate

These are unit of inheritance: Genes

It is a genetic material: DNA

Genes consist of: DNA

In a nucleosome , DNA is wrapped around protein named: Histone

How many types of Difference shown by individuals of same species: 2

How many hydrogen bounds are formed between adenine and thymine: 2

Branch of Biology is which we study about inheritance: Genetics

James Watson and Francis Crick proposed the structure of DNA in: 1953

It is a situation where two different alleles of gene pair express themselves completely, instead of showing a dominant recessive relationship is called: Co-dominatice

The allele which is not expressed is called: Recessive

The points of attachment of genes on chromosomes are called: Loci

The alternate forms of a gene are called as: Genotype

The alternate forms of a gene are called: alleles

Dominant Alleles are represented by: Capital letters

DNA is surronded by a protein and form a structure called: Nucleosome

Adenine always pairs with: thymine

It is the process by which the better genetic variations become more common in successive generations of population: Natural selective

Inside of double helix consists of: Nitrogenous bases

The characteristics which appear in an organism are called: Phenotype

Adenine always pairs with: thymine

Branch of biology in which we study about inheritance: Genetics

How many genetically different kinds of gametes an individual with genotype AAbb can produce: 1

Alternatives forms of a gene are called: Allele

The specific combination of genes in an individual is called: Genotype

Transmission of character (traits) from parent offspring is called: Inheritance

Chromatin material is made of: DNA and Protein

The location of position of ganes on chromosomes is called: Loci

Branch of biology that deals with the study of inheritance is called as: Genetics

histone protein and forms-rounded structures called as: Nucleosomes

James Watson and Francis Crick proposed the structure of DNA in: 1953

mRNA carries sequence of the nucleotides to ribosomes, Ribosomal reads this sequence and joins specific amino acid to form protein, this process is: Translation

Which of the following statement regarding genes is FALSE: Genes consist of a long sequence of DNA

In dihybrid cross the genotypic ratio of F2 generation is: 9 : 3 : 3 : 1

How many contrasting pairs of characters of pea plant were studied bu mendel: seven

The structure of RNA model was proposed by: Buffon

Ribisome reads the sequence of mRNA nucleotides and joins specific amino acids to form protein. This step is known as: Translation

Important : Review all previous years’ 10 class past papers for comprehensive practice and better exam preparation.

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