“Discover the power of support and movement in achieving personal growth, health, and well-being. Explore how fostering strong connections and embracing physical activity can enhance your life.”
Biology class 10th chapter 4 Notes
Vertebral column protects: Spinal cord
Example of ball and socket joints is: Shoulder joint
The purpose of Ribs Cage is: Protection of heart and lungs
The biggest bone of our body is found in: Thigh
A muscle which contract and straightens the joints called: Exrensor
What is correct about tendons: Tendons are flexible and they join muscles with bones.
The cells of cartilage are called: Chondrocytes
Which joints allow no movement: Immoveable joints
The type of arthritis in which the joints become totally immoveable: osteo-arthritis
Bables are born with soft bones: 300
Number of bones in both feets is: 54
The skeletal system out-side the body is called: Exoskeleton
When the reproductive cycle stops in female, ______ hormones is less produced: Esterogen
Elastic cartilage is found in: In Trachea
Bone marrow id found in: Spongy bone
In our body skeleton works very closely with the _________ system: Muscular
The number of bones in human skeleton is: 206
Number of bones of sternum is: 1
In gout ___________ is accumulated in immovable joints: Uric acid
Babies are born with soft bones: 300
An example of hardest connection tissue in the body is: Bone
Appendicular skeleton is composed of: 126 bones
Number of cranial bone is: 8
Overall, the human skeleton is made of bony framework but in certain parts it is supplemented by: Cartilage
____________ prevent dislocation of bones and joints: Ligament
The catilage found in intervertibral discs is: Fibrous
The purpose of rib cage is to: Protect the heart and lungs
The number of ribs of chest wall is: Twelve pairs
The disorders in which there is an accumulation of uric acid in joints: Gout
Vocal cards are present in: Larynx
Arthritus means: inflammation
Nose and larnyx are made up of: Hyaline Cartillage
Example of hinge joints is: Elbow joint
Which one of the following have exoskeleton: Arthpods
Which statements is not true about cartilage: blood veessels enter into cartilage
What are the main components of a a bone: Compact bone, spongy bone
Cranial bones are: 8
Find the ball-and -socket joint: Joint at pelvic girdle and leg bones.
Number of Ribs in man are: 12 pairs
Ball and socket joints allow movement in: All directions
The end of the skeletal muscle attached with ammoveable bone is called: Origin
An adult person skeleton has bones: 206
____ is the longest bone in our body: Thigh
Lacuna is present in the cartilage of: Matrix
Muscles can only: Contract
Bones which enclose brain are called: Cranial bones
The hard outer layer of a bone is called: Spongy bone
The example of fixed joints is: joints between skull bones
Mature cells of human body are called: Oseocytes
Tendons and Ligaments are bands of: Connective tissue
Babies are born with about________ soft bones: 300
Outer hard layer of bone is called: Compact bone
In mammals, the number of bones in lower jaw are: Only one
The hardes connective tissue of body is: bone
Cartilage and bones are ___ type of animal tissues: Connective
Vesalius was born in: Brussels
An example of immoveable joint is: Joints of skull bone
The disease of bone in which the density of bones decrease due to loss of calcium and phosphorus is: Osteoporosis
Bones in skull are: 22
______ is joint move in only one plane: Ball & Socket
The skeleton found outside the body is called: Exoskeleton
_________ is the smallest bone in our body: Vertebrae
All these are the parts of axial skeleton of human except: Shoulder girdle
Bone forms: Blood cells
The examples of hings joints are: knee and elbow joints
How many bones make our skull: 22
Human skeleton contain number of bones: 206
Interior of bone is soft and porous which is called: Spongy bone
Interior of bone is soft and porous which is called: Spongy bone
Pair of skeletal muscles are called: Antagonistis
Point of attachment is pulled when a muscle contracts is called: Insertion
Number of bones in Vertebral column is: 33
How would you define skeletal system: All the bones in body
What do some bones produce: Blood cells
Find the INCORRECT statement: Bones is a dry and non-living supporting structure.
All these are the parts of axial skeleton of humans except: Shoulder girdle
Bones can store: Minerals
The bonds which attach muscles to bones are called: tendons
Name of mature blood cells is: Osteocytes
Which bones is part of appendicular skeleton: Pectoral girdle
Osteoporosis is a disease of: Bones
Cartilage is made up of: Chondrocytes
It is not a disorder of skeletal muscle: osteoporosis
Deposition of uric acid in joints is due to: Gout
The bands of connective tissue which prevent dislocation of bones at joints are: tendons
Inflammation of membrane at joints is called: Rheumatoid arthritis
Allows movement in all directions: Ball and socket joints
The bones in pelvic or hip girdle are: 2
Important : Review all previous years’ 10 class past papers for comprehensive practice and better exam preparation.