Biology 10th Class Chapter 2

“Learn about homeostasis, the body’s process of maintaining stable internal conditions for optimal health and function despite external changes.”

10th class biology chapter 2

​The functional unit of kidney is called: Nephron

Which is the correct order for the path taken by urine after it leaves the kidneys: Ureters, bladder , urethra

The unit of excetory system is: nephron

the depression near the centre of concave area of kidney is called: Hilus

Renal Pelvis is a part of: Kidney

In which succulent organs present: Xerophytes

The function of kidneys is: urine formation

The tube between kidney and urinary bladder is the: Ureter

The human urinary system consists of: Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethara

The plants living in dry environment are: xerophytes

The loss of water from plant surface in the form of vapours is called: Transpiration

Water lily is example of: Hydrophytes

Which organ is responsible for filtering the blood: Kidney

Resin as waste materials, is excreted from: Conifers

Body balance of water, salts, temperature and glucose is termed as: Homeostasis

How many ureters take part in human excetory system: two

In every kidney no. of Nephrons is about: More than 10 Lac

It plays important role in keeping body temperature constant: skin

The organ of excetory system which makes urine after filtration of blood: kidney

U-Shaped part of renal tubule is called: Loop of henle

What waste products are excreted by kidneys: Urea, water & salts

Cactus plant is: Xerophyte

The organ which performs Osmoregulation function is: kidneys

The length of human kidney is: 10 cm

For removing stone method in which non-electrical shock waves are bombarded on stones is called: Lithotripsy

The typical volume of urine produced by an adult in liters per day is: 1.4

The organ responsible for filtering the blood is: Kidney

Example of hydrophyte plants is: Water lilly

Urine contains the least amount of: Potassium Ion

During lithotripsy stone is removed by: Non-Electrical shock waves

The gas produced in mesophyll cells as by product during day time is called: Oxygen

The normal body temperature of man is: 37°C

The typical volume of urine produced by an average adult per day is: 1.4 liter

Cacti are example of: Xerophytes

The chemical composition of glomerulus filtrate is: Water + salts + glucose + urea

Resins are removed by plants: Conifers

The example muciliage excreting plant is: lady finger

Amount of Urea in normal chemical composition is: 9.3 g/l

The concave part of the kidney is toward: Toward vertebral column

The byproducts of Photosynthesis is: Oxygen

Urine is temporarily stored in which of these until it is released from body: Urinary bladder

Core temperature of human body remains at about: 37oC

Play role is maintaning body temperature: Skin

Which organ filter the blood: Kidney

Functional unit of kidney is: Nephron

Ribs which protect the kidneys are: Last two

The maintenance of internal body temperature is called: Thermoregulation

Maintenance of balance in the amounts of water minerals, temperature and glucose in body is called: Homeostasis

Normal pH of blood is maintained at: 7.35-7.45

What are not filtered through glomerular capillaries: Blood cells & Proteins

The process of guttation occurs in the plant: Grass

The average life for donated kidney is: 5-10 years

The longitudinal section of kidney shows the outer part: Renal cortex

The loss of water in the form drops from tips of leaf is called: Guttation

What is the function of the ureter: To carry urine from the kidney to the bladder

The weight of human kidney is about: 27 g

The name of tube between kidney and urinary bladder is: Ureter

In an adult man the average urine formation in a day is: 1.4 litre

The plant which have broad leaves and a large: Hydrophytes

Which would NOT be present in the filtrate entering the Bowmans capsule of nephron: Blood cells

A methods for the removal of kidney stone is: Lithotripsy

The two main functions of sweat are: To remove waste products and to cool the body.

Calcium oxalate is deposited in the form of crystals in the leaves and stems of: Tomatoes

The process which maintain the internal condition of body at equilibrium despite changes in the external environment is called: Homeostasis

During peritoneal dialysis, the waste materials move from: The peritoneum blood vessels to the dialysis fluid

The U-shaped part of renal tubule is called: loop of Henle

By drinking plenty of water how many stones can be avoided: 90%

The waste products secreted by kidneys contains: Urea, water and salts

Plays role in maintaining body temperature: Skin

Rubber plant secretes: Latex

Important : Review all previous years’ 10 class past papers for comprehensive practice and better exam preparation.

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