The Atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding the Earth, primarily composed of nitrogen, oxygen, and trace gases. It protects life by regulating temperature, weather patterns, and providing oxygen for respiration, while also playing a key role in climate and environmental processes.
Chemistry chapter no 6 10th class Notes
About 99% atmosphere’s lies within: 30 kilometre
Ozone id beneficial for us as it: absorbs ultraviolet radiation
Forest fires and burning of wood emit: CO2
The recombination of O and O2 in mid stratosphere is an: Exothermic reaction
Earth has natural systems: Four
Acid rain affects the aquatic life by clogging fish gills because of: Aluminium metal
About 99% of atmospheric mass lies in: 30 km
The formula of ozone is: O2
Thermosphere lies beyond: Mesosphere
Which one of the following is not air pollutants: N2
Which is not a poisonous gas: Carbon dioxide
Which gas like a glass wall of g green house: N2
By the increase in the concentration of CO2 in air: Increase in heat energy.
Ozone depletion was first noticed is: 1980’s
The process by which atmospheric nitrogen is turned into nitrates in the soil is called: Nitration
Which gas is not present in atmosphere: Helium
In the bacterial decay, the compound of which element are emitted: Sulphur
Which is not a character of SO2: It do not form sulphuric acid
Carbon monoxide is harmful to use because it: Reduce oxygen carrying ability of hemoglobin
Ozone is beneficial for us as it absorbs: Ultraviolet radiations
Cause of global warming is: CO2 gas
Which is not a part of flue gas: H2SO4
Mesophere extend forms 50 km to: 85 km
The waste products driven out because of the combustion of fossil fuels: Primary pollutant
Atmosphere has regions: Four
The percentage of sun light absorbed by atmospheric gases is: 18%
Which gas acts as a glass wall of a green house: Carbon dioxides
The gas use by plants to perform photosynthesis: CO2
Ozone has a smell: Bitter
Which of the following is a poisonous gas: Ozone
Atmospheric region found between 50-58 km from the earthis: Mesophere
How many percentage of sunlight is absorbed by atmosphere gases: 18%
The green house effect is proportional to the amount of which gas in air: CO2
Global warming causes rising of the sea level. The cause of global warming is: CO2 gas.
Building are being damaged by acid rain because it attacks: Calcium carbonate
Which one of the following is not air pollutant: O2
The major constituents of troposphere are: nitrogen and oxygen
Normal rain water is: weakly acidic
Almost all air crafts fly in which reion: Troposphere
Which gas is emitted due to volcanic eruption: CO2
75% atmosphere mass lies in how many kilometers: 11 km
Depending upon temperature variation, atmosphere ins divided into how many regions: 4
Which gas is responsible in warming the atmosphere: Nitrogen
Normaily rain water is weakly acidic because: CO2
The Earth’s atmosphere is getting hotter because of: Increasing concentration of CO2
High concentration of which metal clogs the fish gills: Aluminium
Ozone is formed in: Stratosphere
Which gas is in involved in ozone depletion: CFC’s
Our planet earth consists of ____________ natural Spheres: 4
Which is not an air pollutant: CO2
Which gas protects the Earth’s surface from ultraviolet radiations: O3
The envelope of different gases around the earth is called: Atmosphere
pH of acid rain is: 5-Apr
At which region all weather occurs: Troposphere
The gas used by animals to perform respiration: O2
Which one of the following is not an air pollutants: Ozone
Iron and steel structure are damaged by: Sulphur dioxide
Infrared radiation emitted by the earth are absorbed by: CO2,H2O
Ultraviolet radiations can causes: Skin cancer
Catalytic converters convert: CO to CO2
PAN stands for: Proxy acetyl nitrate
The percentage of SO2 released by the combustion of coal and petroleum product: 80%
Which gas saves the surface of earth from ultra violet radiation: O3
Which pollutant is not found in car exhaust gases: O3
Effects of ozone depletion are following except the one: Increases crops production
Atmosphere is divided into: 4 regions
A strange bitter smell noticed near photocopiers is of: O3
Normally rain water is weakly acidic because of: CO2gas.
At the height 880120 km from earth’s surface is: Thermosphere
Just above the Earth’s surface is: Troposphere
Global warming is because of: Absorption of infrared Ultraviolet coming from the sun.
A group of gases that maintains temperature of atmosphere is: Carbon dioxide and water vapours
Which pollutant is responsible for changing weather: Air pollutant
Which one of the following gas has greater retaining capacity: CO2
The earth atmosphere is getting hotter because of: CO2
Which one of these pollutants are not found in car exhaust fumes: O3
Which gas is also known as life gas for plants: CO2
Which one of the following is not a greenhouse Effect: Increasing food chains
The stratosphere layer is at height above the earth’s surface: 12-50 km
Almost all aircrafts fly in: troposphere
Mesosphere has a temperature range: 2oC – 93oC
The pH of water containing CO2 is: 5.6-6
The range of temperature in burning solid waste burning in incinerators is: 650oC – 11000oC
Ozone is an allotropic form of: Oxygen
Carbon monoxide is harmful to us because: It reduces oxygen carrying ability of haemoglobin
How many atmospheric temperature increase every year due to accumulation of CO2 in air: 0.05 oC
On which base atmosphere is divided into four regions: Change in temperature
99% of atmosphere consists of: N2and O2
Major portion of ozone layer is foun in: Stratosphere
The solid particle deposit on the filter paper during filtratin is called: Residue
Ozone layer is not found is: Lower stratosphere
The sphere just above the Earth’s surface is: Troposphere
Building and Monuments lose their beauty and shine due to: Acid rain
The smell of photocopies machine is due to the presence of: Ozone gas.
The layer above troposphere extend upto 50 kilometers called: Stratosphere
The percentage by volume of nitrogen in dry gas is: 78.09%
What percentage of nitrogen and oxygen is in the atmosphere: 9%
How much amount of sunlight reaches up to earth and absorbed: 50%
Infrared radiations emitted by the Earth are absorbed by: O2and CO2
A strange bitter smell noticed near photo copier machine is of: O3
Important : Review all previous years’ 10 class past papers for comprehensive practice and better exam preparation.