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LAT Past Papers PDF
مترادف الفاظ لکھیں ظلمت: تاریکی
متضاد الفاظ بتائی اتحاد: اختلاف
Pedagogy is an approach to teaching that refer to the theory and practice of : Learning
پیادہ کا متضاد کیا ہے؟ سوار
متضاد الفاظ بتائیں کارآمد: بے کار
مترادف الفاظ بتائیں توکل: بھروسہ
مترادف الفاظ بتائیں رغبت: خوائش
Largest city excretory organ of human body is : Skin
The project to develop the 1st neclure weapon in the world by United States is known as : Manhattan project
How many international languages are recognized by the United Nations? 6
Who is the founder of electric cars manufacturing company “Tesla” Elon musk
1st period of documents in periodic table consist of only : Hydrogen and helium
Who is the current secretary general of the United Nation? Antonio Guterres
Paris Pact ended with : WW2
Nisab of zakat for gold is : 7.5 tola
Tazkiya mean: Self-purification
Which prophet give the good news of arrival of Muhammad (PBUH) to his people : Hazrat Isa
The companions of Prophet who receive good news of jannat on Earth is called : Ashra e mubashra
Islam prohibit racial : Discrimination
A collection of two or more than 2 words are called : Markab
Hazrat Adam (A.S) met with Holy Prophet ﷺ on the ______ heaven? 1st
How many years was the entire Quran revealed : 23
Zakat can be given to the following people : Poor and needy
Who lead the foundation of kabaa : Hazrat Ibrahim
Which one is an article of Faith : Belief in books
Sulah Hudabia was signed in which year : 6 hijri
Surah Nisa is a Surah focus on : Rights of woman
First muazzin of Islam is : Hazrat Bilal
Pakistan has a 1046-kilometer coastline located along the : Arabian sea
The longest tunnel in Pakistan is : Lwari tunnel
Muqattiat are latters that are : Written collectively and read separately
Lowari tunnel connects Dir with Chitral, its total length is : 10.4 km
Name of the camel on which Prophet travel : Qaswa
The Longest tunnel of Pakistan is Khojak Tunnel. It is located in : Balochistan
Which surah is known as the Heart of Holy Quran? Surah Yaseen
Hazrat Amina (RA) mother of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) belonged to which tribe? Banu zuhra
The only country with which Pakistan share a maritime border? Oman
The major and most popular language of WWW is : HTML
Total members of SAARC are : 8
Important : Review all previous years’ LAT past papers for comprehensive practice and better exam preparation.