The introduction to the 1st year Biology chapter provides an overview of foundational concepts, including cell structure, genetics, ecology, and the diversity of life, setting the stage for deeper exploration of biological systems.
1st year Biology Notes Chapter 1
Which of the following is not related to cloning: Removal of piece of DNA or gene from the cell, and incorporating other gene or piece of DNA in it place
Which one of the following is a correct sequence in biological methods: Observation-hypothesis-deduction-testing of deduction
Which one of the following is not a viral disease: Tetanus
The term of Biology is of: Greek origin
The branch of Biology dealing with social behavior and communal life of human beings is: Social Biology
Which one of the following is employed in treatment of cancer: Radiotherapy and chemotherapy
All the living and non-living matter is formed of: Atoms and sub-atomic particles
Cloning is a technology for achieving: Eugenic aims
All living organisms are formed of basic units called: Cells
Which one of following is a viral disease: Cow pox
The plants having foreign D.N.A in their cells are: Transgenic plants
AIDS is caused by: HIV
The study of microorganisms is called: Microbiology
Deductive reasoning is always from: General to specific
To draw a specific conclusion from some general principal or assumptions is called: Deductive reasoning
A structure within a cell that perform specific function is called: Organelle
In integrated disease management involves: Combating of disease
Important : Review all previous years’ 11 Class Past Papers for comprehensive practice and better exam preparation.